Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions make up an agreement between Coneberry.com (the “Company”) and the visitor of Coneberry.com. This agreement is called the “Agreement.” (the “User”). Please also read what we say about privacy.

Terms: If you use this website, you agree to be bound by its Terms and Conditions of Use and all applicable laws and rules. You also agree that it is your responsibility to follow any local laws. If you don’t agree with any of these rules, you can’t use this website or even get to it. Laws about copyright and trademarks protect the content of this website.

You agree and understand that Coneberry.com services are non-refundable unless we can’t publish the user’s press release. Users may email hello@Coneberry.com for any questions about payments and cancellations.

User understands and agrees that Coneberry.com does not and will not accept releases for adult materials, illegal activities, electronic cigarettes, online pharmaceuticals (see a list of banned pharmaceuticals and supplements), press that promotes hatred, violence, prejudice, terrorism, or anything else that we think most people would find unethical. The company does not accept press releases about cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, initial coin offerings (ICOs), cryptocurrency wallets, cryptocurrency trading platforms, etc., crypto-investing, crypto-loans, or miners. The Company does not take press releases about court cases or other legal matters. We won’t accept negative press releases about any third-party person, company, government, country, religion, or race. We don’t let third-party companies, organizations, the government, or people be the subject of press releases without their permission. We don’t accept important news about companies that are traded on the stock market. Releases must be written in the first person and in English, not in the third person, and in the correct format for a press release. In general, here is a list of things that shouldn’t be in press releases:

  • No bad news about third-party people, businesses, governments, countries, religions, or races.
  • You can’t write about other companies without getting permission from them.
  • There is no important news about public companies.
  • No Weapons or guns
  • No alcohol
  • No illegal drugs, including marijuana, which is illegal under federal law.
  • No Tobacco or Vaping
  • No cosmetic surgery or body alterations (i.e., plastic surgery).
  • No apps or websites for dating
  • No adult or sex (or even the word sex) in any press release.
  • Reproductive and sexual health
  • No Initial Coin Offerings, Bitcoin, or Cryptocurrency
  • No Forex
  • No medicines or supplements not approved by the FDA, and Google has banned supplements.
  • No medical claims that can’t be proven.
  • No schemes to make money or MLMs
  • There are no court cases or lawsuits.
  • No online gambling
  • There are no stock suggestions.
  • No lying or slandering about a third party.
  • No payday loans, cash advances, or any other kind of predatory lending.
  • There are no conspiracies.
  • No anti-vaccine or similar rhetoric

Coneberry.com won’t be responsible for services that can’t be done because of problems or failures with the equipment or services of third-party affiliates. This includes the transfer of XML information.

Coneberry.com does everything it can to spread all news and information it gets from users in full, quickly, and correctly. Coneberry.com will fix any mistakes they make by accident as soon as they are told or found, at no extra cost. This obligation to fix the mistake is all that coneberry.com is responsible for.

This license will end automatically if you break any of these rules, and Coneberry.com can end it at any time. When you are done looking at these materials or when this license ends, you must destroy any downloaded materials you have in your possession, whether they are on a computer or on paper.

The user is responsible for the content and accuracy of all the copy and other information that he or she sends in. Because coneberry.com gets a lot of news, information, and copy, the company cannot and will not be responsible for checking any of the facts in it. USER represents and warrants to the “Company” that (i) it has the legal right to deliver to Coneberry.com all information, images, and copy submitted to it, (ii) it will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and laws relating to “spam,” and (iii) no information or copy submitted by USER or on USERS behalf will contain any libelous, USER shall indemnify and hold harmless Coneberry.com and its owners, third-party vendors, including distributors, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or relating to any breach by Member of the foregoing representations and warranties or otherwise arising out of or relating to the contents or nature of copy and other information provided by USER or anyone acting on USER’s behalf.

The user represents and warrants to coneberry.com, the “Company,” that the user has the right and permission to use all images, illustrations, videos, text copy, trademarks, service marks, icons, vectors, and any other type of content in their press release. USER is responsible for any trademark or copyright violations that may have happened because of the content in their press release on coneberry.com and any of the websites in the company’s partner network that syndicated the release.

Coneberry.com can refuse to post a copy or other information or change it as it sees fit. Coneberry.com has the right to remove any press release from its website, stop the release of any press release, or say no to any press release.

Coneberry.com does not promote any offers to buy or sell securities.
Coneberry.com does not promise or guarantee that the services it offers will be free of mistakes, such as delays, service interruptions, omissions, losses, or defects, whether people or machines cause them. Coneberry.com doesn’t make any promises about the quality of its services, either directly or indirectly. This includes but is not limited to, promises about how well they will sell or how well they will work for print or broadcast. Coneberry.com’s liability to the user is limited to refunding the fees paid by the user if we don’t provide the services we say we will. Coneberry.com and its affiliates are never responsible for indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or incidental damages.

Coneberry.com does not promise or guarantee that a news release will be placed in a certain place or that it will be picked up by its wire or service. However, it will make a news release available to the right media point on or through our website and services, where a reporter or editor may be best able to decide how to use it.

You agree to get messages from Coneberry.com about how you’re using their products and services. (“Communications”). Some of these messages may be required by law to be sent to you about products and services (“Required Communications”). The communications could also be anything else that coneberry.com sends you. You agree to receive communications through electronic means. Coneberry.com may send you these communications by sending an email to the email address you gave for your account or by posting the communication on the Coneberry.com network. You also agree to receive communications in other ways, like over the phone or by mail. We will use the phone number and address you gave us when you set up your account to get in touch with you about how you use the products and services (“communications”): Some of these messages may be required by law to be sent to you about Products and Services or (“Required Communications”).  Coneberry.com may send you these Communications by sending an email to the email address you gave for your acccommunicationssting Communication on the coneberry.com network. You also agree to get communications in other ways, like over the phone or in the mail. We will receive communications and the address you gave us when you set up your account to get in touch with you. You can change the email or mailing communication that Coneberry.com uses to send communications by sending us an email at hello@Coneberry.com.

The user agrees that after their press release has been sent out, they won’t be able to take it back, change it, delete it, or make any other changes to the information in it. This includes RSS feeds and javascript partners that pull feeds from the coneberry.com website. If the information in a press release needs to be changed, Coneberry.com will try to change the information in the release that is stored in the database on the Coneberry.com website, but there are no guarantees that this change will take effect on any of its partners sites. The user also agrees that if a press release is sent out with information that needs to be changed after the release date, they will not hold Coneberry.com or any of their distribution partners responsible.

The user agrees that they have written permission from all companies other than their own that they mention in their press release. The user also agrees that they have written permission from anyone whose name is mentioned in their press release other than their own.
By implication, waiver, estoppel, or any other means, nothing in any of the products or services should be seen as giving any license under Coneberry.com’s intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of any third party. Without limiting what has already been said, the USER acknowledges and agrees that certain content available through and used to operate the coneberry.com website and products and services is protected by copyright, trademark, patent, or other proprietary rights of the “Company,” its affiliates, licensors, and service providers. Unless expressly provided to the contrary, you agree that you may not modify, deface, or alter any of the trademarks, service marks, or other intellectual property made available by coneberry.com in connection with the Products and Services. You also agree not to show that you or your website are connected to, endorsed by, or sponsored by coneberry.com in any way. You agree not to use any of the service marks, trademark logos, or other content accessible through the Coneberry.com network for any purpose other than the purpose for which such content is made available to users by Coneberry.com. You agree not to say bad things about Coneberry.com or its website, Coneberry.com, the trademarks or service marks of the “Company,” or any part of the Products and Services. Coneberry.com owns all of the information, services, methods, and processes that are made available to the user. You agree to use this service for its intended purpose and not for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the reverse engineering of the site and/or its processes and the inclusion of such processes or services in a derivative service.

Coneberry.com does not promise search results in any search engine, and it never will. Coneberry.com does everything it can to help your rankings, but we can’t promise search results.
If a user’s press release isn’t accepted, Coneberry.com won’t be responsible for any business opportunities that might have been missed.
You acknowledge and agree that you and coneberry.com are independent contractors under these terms and conditions. Nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship. According to these Terms and Conditions, neither party has the power to make any agreement on behalf of the other, and neither party is the other’s agent.

If you break the Terms and Conditions or any other rights of the Coneberry.com network of sites, Coneberry.com has the right to take any legal or fair action against you, including, but not limited to, closing all of your user’s accounts on all of the Coneberry.com network web sites.
These terms and conditions will be ruled by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Wyoming, even if they differ. The State of Wyoming, including the federal courts there, will be the only place where the case will be heard and decided. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions gives you the right to resell or redistribute access to the company’s services or any work product or data provided in connection with the services. The rights and remedies listed in these Terms and Conditions are in addition to those given by law and fairness. They may change those rights and remedies but don’t take their place. If a part of this agreement isn’t legal or can’t be enforced, that doesn’t affect the rest of the agreement. Instead, the part that isn’t legal or can’t be enforced will be rewritten to reflect, as closely as possible, the parties’ original intentions, as far as possible, under the law.